Caddo Parish Fire District
Number Four

Become a Member
Being a volunteer firefigher or EMT calls for commitment and means:
Answering calls for assistance 24 hours a day 365 days a year (even if its -20 or +110 outside). Missing some personal or family events (fires, accidents and illnesses don't honor holidays). Seeing and hearing things that you wish you could forget (but knowing you never will). Risking your life for people you will never see again (an not asking for thanks). Wondering if all the training is worthwhile (until you save a life or a home). Praying you will make the correct life and death decisions under incredible pressure (and finding that you did with the help of fellow volunteers). Hoping that someone will step up and take your place when you step down (the lives and property of family, friends and this community depend upon volunteer firefighters and EMT's.
Why become a volunteer fire fighter or EMT?
There is no personal financial gain. However, the more YOU commit yourself to serving your community, the more you will be rewarded. Through training, you can gain skills such as: fire prevention, firefighting skills, child and adult CPR; defibrillator use, first aid, advanced life saving techniques, hazardous materials recognition and response, and safe emergency driving skills. The skills that you learn will not only benefit the Caddo Parish Fire District Four community, but will give you the ability and confidence to assist you own family and friends in times of crisis or emergency.
You will also gain a deep feeling of self-satisfaction by providing a critical service to your community. Most importantly you will occasionally receive the deepest, most heartfelt "THANK YOU" possible from the victims and families of those whose lives and property you helped save while serving as a volunteer firefighter or EMT.
Want to join us as we serve our community? Click on the link to the left to download a Caddo Parish Fire District Number Four Volunteer Application. Once complete drop if off at our central station at 8240 Colquitt Road.
You don't have to be paid to be a professional!